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Master of Education (MEd) in Early Childhood Education

Early childhood is a unique time in a child’s development and it takes special skills and competencies to provide children with the grounding on which they build the rest of their education. Explore this program to find out how you can be a part of this innovative field.


Program Overview

Explore Pathways to a Career in Early Childhood Education

Salem State offers three programs that prepare participants to become licensed pre-kindergarten to second grade (PreK-2) teachers in Massachusetts public schools and/or early childhood educators in various community-based settings (e.g., preschool, out-of-school time, and early intervention).

  • MEd, early childhood education, initial license: for those seeking initial licensure as a PK-2 teacher in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
  • MEd, early childhood education, advanced studies: for those who hold an initial PK-2 teaching license and are seeking to become eligible for professional licensure, as well as individuals with prior experience in the field who are seeking further professional development.
  • Licensure only, early childhood education: for those seeking initial licensure as a PK-2 teacher in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts but not a master’s degree.

If you have any questions about which program would be the best fit for you, please reach out to graduate admissions.

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