Research Day
For more than two decades, Salem State University has held an annual Research Day to showcase and celebrate the scholarship and creative activities of undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, librarians, and staff. Friends, family, and neighbors are encouraged to attend! The day begins with the Undergraduate Research Symposium, featuring undergraduate students' empirical, scholarly, and creative work in all schools and departments. Students present their work as posters, papers, performances, or displays of artwork.
The Faculty and Graduate Research Symposium follows in the afternoon, during which faculty and graduate students from across the university present their current research through panels and poster sessions. The day concludes with the Faculty Publication Celebration reception, which recognizes all faculty members whose work was published or exhibited in the previous calendar year.
For up-to-date information about Research Day 2024, visit the calendar event page.

Occupational Therapy Student Research Conference
The occupational therapy department at Salem State University hosts an annual Student Research Conference that students plan from start to finish in addition to presenting their research.