Conducting Research
Conducting undergraduate research can be among the most important experiences students have in their time at the university, providing them with practical experience in the field that makes them better prepared for graduate education and more competitive when looking for a position. The most important relationship in that experience is the faculty mentor. Whether students are revising and expanding a project from a class, embarking on an independent study, or participating with a team of other student researchers, it is the faculty mentor that makes this opportunity possible and directs the project toward completion.
Students interested in pursuing undergraduate research should speak to their faculty advisor, full-time faculty teaching courses in their major, or the department chairperson to learn what opportunities may be available. Students in the Commonwealth Honors Program must complete a significant research or creative project as part of the requirements for graduating as a Commonwealth Honors Scholar.

Institutional Animal Care and Use
With respect to the privilege of working with animals, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) ensures compliance and ethical use of animals in teaching and research.
Institutional Review Board
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is responsible for reviewing and monitoring research with human participants by Salem State faculty, administration, staff, or students.

Inter/National Scholarships & Fellowships
There are a variety of postgraduate scholarships and fellowships that will fund research and travel after graduation. These include Fulbright, Rhodes, Marshall, Boren, and Goldwater scholarships, as well as others. These opportunities are highly competitive and require at least six months to a year to prepare a proper application.
Use the Frederick E. Berry Library to discover books/articles, access databases, and get help with your research from librarians through one-on-one research consultations, online guides, tutorials, and more.

Research Compliance
Research Administration works to ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements and federal, state, and institutional policies that govern research.
Research Technology Support
Visit the Information Technology Services page to learn about the different research tools and support options available for faculty members and their students.

Writing Center
The Mary G. Walsh Writing Center offers writing support to the entire Salem State community including faculty. Graduate tutors and staff will talk with you about your proposal, assist in editing drafts, and provide supportive space in which to write. Contact the Writing Center to set an appointment.
Undergrad & Grad specific links
Funding Research
The university has funds available to support undergraduate research through academic departments and the various colleges and schools. To learn how to apply, speak to a faculty advisor or a department chairperson. Students in the Commonwealth Honors Program should speak to the Honors Program Chair to request a Research and Travel Grant application.
Graduate Assistantships
Graduate Research Assistants participate with faculty in a research project. This experience provides an opportunity to assist in various aspect of the research endeavor. Depending on the project, a student might conduct research in an archive, conduct interviews, administer and interpret surveys, or support an action research project. Sometimes the results in opportunities for graduate students to co-present with faculty at professional conferences or co-author articles in professional journals.
Thesis Preparation
Several Master’s programs offer the option of writing a thesis. If you are interested in pursuing the thesis option, your first step is to work with your graduate program coordinator to identify a suitable advisor who will work with you to develop your proposal.
Travel to Present
The Professional Development Grant (PDG) program assists matriculated graduate students to present at academic and professional conferences.