4-year early childhood and elementary program
requires subsequent M.Ed. for licensure
This program is for students interested in becoming early childhood (preschool to second grade) or elementary (first through sixth grade) teachers who want flexibility in their undergraduate education.
Students in this program major in education and minor in any area they choose. Their education major includes coursework that sets them up for success in a graduate licensure program with an emphasis on equity in education, deep curricular knowledge, and a grounding in key areas such as universal design and culturally responsive teaching.
This program allows students to be full or part-time, to be successful students while also pursing other goals and responsibilities such as leadership roles on campus, athletics, work, and family responsibilities.
We encourage students on this track to take and pass all MTELs (required state teacher tests) for their license by graduation.
Upon graduating, students can apply directly into the M.Ed. in Early Childhood or Elementary Education to pursue their teaching license or they can take off time to work full time in private schools, early education and care, or as support staff in the public schools before continuing on for their license.
A student who continues directly into the M.Ed. program will have required coursework the summer between completing the undergraduate program and beginning fieldwork in the fall, but will complete with the M.Ed. and initial teaching license at the same pace as students in the 4+1 program.
If you have questions about this program, please email edussu@salemstate.edu.