When |
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Join us on Monday, January 27 for Salem State University's 35th annual day of unity, celebration, and reflection in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Following the King Center’s lead, our theme this year is Mission Possible: Protecting Freedom, Justice, and Democracy in the Spirit of Nonviolence365. This year’s timely celebration of Dr. King's legacy will foster dialogue, inspire action, and celebrate the power of community to create meaningful change.
Schedule of Events
9:30 am | Community Breakfast
Martin Luther King Jr. Room, Ellison Campus Center
Salem State faculty, staff, students, and invited guests, begin the day in community with a warm breakfast and good company.
10:30 am | Freedom March
Ellison Campus Center lobby
Light a symbolic candle to march for freedom, from Ellison Campus Center to Sophia Gordon Center.
11 am | MLK Convocation | free and open to the public
Sophia Gordon Center
Featuring a keynote address by Professor Jamie Wilson of SSU's history department on why Dr. King matters in the 21st century. This will be followed by an interactive community conversation led by The Brotherhood and Bold Educated, Empowered Sisters (BEES), exploring how Dr. King’s legacy inspires justice and equity in today’s world.
- Jamie Wilson is a Professor of History at Salem State University where he teaches courses in Black History, History of Race and Ethnicity, Race and Ethnicity Studies, and United States History. He is also the author and editor of half dozen books including a recently published biography of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., titled Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Life in American History. For the 2023-2024 academic year Wilson was the lead historian with the National Council for History Education to help create a professional development program for teachers in the School District of Osceola County and Brevard Public Schools in Florida that centers around the theme The Power of Music During the Civil Rights Movement. He lives in Malden with his wife, Staci, and two challenging, but lovely teenage daughters.
12:30 pm | Leadership Luncheon and Awards
Veterans Hall, Ellison Campus Center
Salem State faculty, staff, students, and invited guests are encouraged to join us for a community luncheon to connect with and celebrate members of our SSU and local community as we recognize winners of the annual MLK Leadership Awards and MLK Essay Contest.
Mark your calendars, invite your friends, and join us for a day of learning, connection, and reflection as we honor Dr. King’s vision and continue the work of building a just and equitable society.
Nominate members of the Salem State community for the 2025 MLK Leadership Award
Presented annually to an SSU undergraduate, graduate, alumna/us, faculty, staff, or administrator, the MLK Leadership award recognizes outstanding and significant contributions to the cause of freedom, justice, and equality. Self-nominations are welcome!
Nominated individuals are invited to share their contributions to these causes through the application form.
Nominations accepted until December 19, 2024 at 5 pm. Nominate a Salem State community member.
Self-nominating applications due by December 19, 2024 at 5 pm. Apply to be considered.
MLK Essay Contest
The annual MLK Essay Contest, co-sponsored by Salem State's Center for Justice and Liberation and the Salem Human Rights Coalition, is open to all Salem public schools elementary, middle, and high school students. This year, were contestants are asked to write a one-page essay on our theme, "Protecting Freedom, Justice, and Democracy in the Spirit of Nonviolence365." by Friday, December 20, 2024. To submit, students should email their essays to cjl@salemstate.edu.
Committee and Sponsors
This event is sponsored by the office of inclusive excellence, the Center for Justice and Liberation, the office of academic affairs and the office of the Provost, the Alumni Association and Salem State Foundation and the Salem Human Rights Coalition.
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration committee:
Kiana Alexis, ’24, HESA student and inclusive excellence grad assistant
Melissa Arroyo, Director, Student Involvement & Operations
Jess Cook, ’21, ‘22G, Executive Assistant for Inclusive Excellence
Lucy Corchado, Staff Assistant, Center for Justice and Liberation
Terrence Jean Charles, ’26, inclusive excellence student ambassador
Mike Mitchell, ‘07, Director of Engagement, Advancement
Erika K. Pen, ’24, HESA grad student and CJL grad assistant
Katya Perez, Program Coordinator, Center for Justice and Liberation
Bruce Perry, Assistant Dean, Academic Affairs
Carlie Pierre, Director of Education and Training, Office of Inclusive Excellence
Ivan Piña, ‘95, Coordinator of Student Development, Student Support Services
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