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Fireside Chat with Dr. Antonia Novello, 14th Surgeon General of the United States

Please note that this event has already occurred. (Nov 18, 2024)
Nov 18
Antonia Novello

Learn about the remarkable journey of a trailblazing American leader, Dr. Antonia Novello, the first woman and the first Hispanic Surgeon General of the United States. Join us for lessons on leadership, service and how to make a difference in health care and wellbeing.   

Sponsored by the Center for Interprofessional Education and Collaboration, HSI-MSI Initiatives, the Center for Justice and Liberation, and the biology department.

About Dr. Novello

Dr. Antonia Coello Novello, 14th Surgeon General of the United States, was born in Fajardo, Puerto Rico. She graduated from the University of Puerto Rico with a B.S. Degree in 1965 and an M.D. Degree in 1970. She completed her pediatric internship and residency training in pediatrics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a subspecialty fellowship in pediatrics and adult nephrology at Georgetown University, and at the University of Michigan. 

Dr. Novello received in 1982 a master’s degree in public health, and in May 2000 a Doctorate in Public Health, both from Johns Hopkins University.

Dr. Novello is a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Society and a member of the National Academy of Medicine. She also belongs to the John Hopkins University Society of Scholars and is a member of the Delta Omega Public Health Honorary Society’s Alpha chapter. She spent most of her professional career at the National Institutes of Health, where in 1986 she became Deputy Director of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

On March 9, 1990, Dr. Novello was sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Conner to serve as the 14th Surgeon General of the U.S. Public Health Service. Her appointment marked two firsts: Dr. Novello became the first woman and the first Hispanic ever to hold this position, as well as the first career public health officer to become U.S. Surgeon General in the recent past. 

 On June 3, 1999, Governor George E. Pataki nominated Dr. Novello to be the 13th New York State Health Commissioner; one of the leading health agencies in the nation with an annual budget of $49 billion. Most recently, Dr. Novello served as Vice President for Women and Children, and Executive Director of Public Health Policy at Florida Hospital. During that time, she was invited by the US ambassador to serve as a liaison between the government of the Dominican Republic and its Attorney General to raise the awareness for domestic violence and was able to spearhead efforts that changed the previous national legislation.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, she became the spokesperson, public health advocate and the provider and administrator of vaccines for all those in need in Puerto Rico. For her actions she received the Civilian Award for Humanitarian Service U.S. Army, and the National Guard Merit Cross Medal.

Dr. Novello holds countless awards, among them the 1971 Department of Pediatrics – University of Michigan – Intern of the year award. She holds 58 Honoris Causa Doctoral degrees. She received the Department of Defense Legion of Merit Medal, the Smithsonian Institute- James Smithson Bicentennial Medal, the National Governor’s Association Distinguished Service to State Government Award during September 11, the YWCA Racial Justice Award, the AMA Board of Trustees Special Award for Meritorious Service, and COSSMHO Humanitarian Award for Lifetime Achievement. She also won the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Medal, Luther Terry Award for Exemplary Leadership in Tobacco Control, the Charles C. Shepard Science Award for Scientific Excellence, the Nathan Davis Award from the AMA, Hopkins Alumni Association Woodrow Wilson Award for Distinguished Government Service, the Health Leader Award from the USPHS, Commissioned Officers Association, the Excellence in Crisis and Risk Communication Award from University of Central Florida, the Legacy Award for Science, Smithsonian Institute Latino Center, and the Leadership Award from the Hispanic Heritage Awards, Kennedy Center.

In 1994 she was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame (Seneca Falls, NY), 1996 Miami Children’s Hospital International Pediatrics Hall of Fame, 1990 International Women in Medicine Hall of Fame (American Medical Women Association). In 2020 she was listed as one of the 100 women of the Century in commemoration of the 19th amendment and one of the 100 American women who changed the World. In 2022 the University of Oklahoma School of Medicine honored Dr. Novello as the 2022 Module Renaming Honoree and the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute established the Antonia Novello Humanitarian Award honoring her service to humanity. Currently she serves as a health advocate of multiple initiatives helping to strengthen trust, knowledge and participation in current areas of Public Health.

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