Where |
Massachusetts State House: Room 428 (4th Floor)
Massachusetts State House: 24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02133
When |
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Join us in participating in a briefing with champions of the Hunger Free Campus bill and lobbying our elected officials in supporting $2 million to be allocated in the fiscal year 2026 budget for the Hunger Free Campus Initiatives as well as support for the legislation.
The Hunger Free Campus Initiative allows the Department of Higher Education to support projects for eligible campuses including:
Notifying students of eligibility for federal food assistance benefits (SNAP, WIC).
Establishing on-campus EBT-SNAP vendors and meal-sharing programs.
Funding for SNAP enrollment staff.
Creating awareness and anti-stigma campaigns
Tentative Schedule:
Arrive at the State House, 9:30 am
Welcome, Morning Program, Advocacy Training, 10 am
Scheduled and Drop In Meetings, 11 am
Lunch, 1 pm
Schedule and Drop In Meetings, 2 pm
Debrief and Wrap Up, 4 pm
Partners: MASSPIRG
For access and accommodation information, visit our page on access or email access@salemstate.edu.