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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Please note that this event has already occurred. (Oct 31, 2024)
Oct 08

This is a multiday event from Oct 08, 2024 - Oct 31, 2024.

October is Emotional Wellness Month. Emotional wellness is the foundation of our overall well-being!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer touches most of our lives, whether it's a direct personal experience or that of our loved ones. 

Join this live information session on Bright Breaks on Thursday, Oct 24, 2:35 pm to hear stories of survival and strength and to learn about breast cancer statistics:

Understanding Breast Cancer: Statistics & Stories of Strength 

Click the link above to add this 7-minute session to your calendar and invite your colleagues to join. 

Do you have a moment to practice gratitude?

October is also Emotional Wellness Month and we're kicking it off with a simple practice that helps us to feel more positive about the people around us and our surroundings as well as enhances our heart health.

Practicing gratitude by making short lists of what you're grateful for, taking time to reflect on them and even sharing them with others is an impactful way to boost our emotional wellness.

Here are gratitude breaks coming up on Bright Breaks to help guide us in the practice so we can feel the benefits:

Gratitude Shift - Fridays, 9:20 am and on-demand

Gratitude Session - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 11:35 am and on-demand

There's 250+ live breaks and over 600 on-demand breaks to choose from on Bright Breaks in the MoveBreatheStretchEat Well and Learn categories. 

World Mental Health Day: Thursday, October 10

Mental Health at Work is World Health Organization's theme this year for World Mental Health day! We spend a considerable portion of our lives working so naturally our mental health is closely linked to our roles and work environment. 

Practicing self-care by taking breaks during the workday makes a huge difference in how we feel throughout the day and our overall well-being.

Worried taking breaks will prevent you from getting your work done? Research shows that taking short breaks helps with productivity and overall mood during the workday. 

All the content on Bright Breaks is designed to help you take short yet impactful breaks without derailing your day. Here are just a few:

Rest & Release - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 1:35 pm and on-demand 

Stretch & Activate - Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:35 am and on-demand

Office HIIT - Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at various times and on-demand

Explore over 600 on-demand videos and 250 live well-being sessions a week by taking breaks on Bright Breaks!

Moving for Mental Health

Whether you're working up a sweat or moving slowly and intentionally, moving in general significantly enhances our mood in the short term and mental health overall. 

Short on time? Bright Breaks has us covered in these short breaks to get us up and moving:

Tai Chi - Tuesdays at 11:35 am and on-demand

Barre Blast - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 12:05 pm on-demand

Low Impact Movement - Wednesdays and Fridays at various times and on-demand

You may also want to check out Understanding Breast Cancer on Thursday, Oct 24 at 2:35 pm as October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Choose from hundreds of live and on-demand breaks to tend to your well-being in a variety of ways!  

Spooky Week is Here!

For Halloween lovers, what better way to wrap up Emotional Wellness Month than with spooky breaks?

Some research suggests that Halloween frights are beneficial to mental health, but don't worry, these breaks on Bright Breaks aren't scary:

Spooky Snacks: The Perfect Halloween Treats - On-demand

Cardio Burst: Halloween Edition - Various times

Not into Halloween? There's hundreds of other breaks that are spooky-free. Check out live and on-demand breaks inviting you to BreatheStretchMoveEat Well and Learn


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