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Promoting a Paradigm Shift in Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Delivery Models

Status message

Please note that this event has already occurred.
The Independent and Interprofessional Community of Practice on Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (CoP-IECMH)

An independent and inter-professional Community of Practice on Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (CoP-IECMH) will offer a summative review of a proposed paradigm shift for programs, practices, and policies intended to support young children and their families. CoP-IECMH members are seasoned professionals from the fields of psychology, occupational therapy, speech and language pathology, education, and social work. They collectively share a belief that current early childhood systems of care often fall woefully short of best practices known to be evidence-based, effective, and relational, and sadly often fail to honor the humanity and dignity of all children and all families. This presentation will summarize several key concepts of the paradigm shift including:

  • You matter: Reflective practice and reflective capacities as critical elements of care
  • We matter: The neurobiological impact of trauma and unmet interoceptive/sensory health needs on development and learning
  • Context matters: Liberation from socio-political influences on infant and early childhood education

Registration is required for access to this online presentation.

When 8:00pm
Jeramie Silveira

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