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ResourcedU@SSU: Finding Balance in Caring

Jan 27
New Year Strategies to Reduce Vicarious Trauma and Burnout in Higher Education 
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As part of the ResourcedU@SSU series, Dr. Laurie Dickstein-Fischer, a professor in the SSU Psychology Department, will provide insights into vicarious trauma and one of its symptoms, burnout. In this workshop, she unveils this aspect of the "hidden curriculum" in academia and provides resources and strategies to find balance in our caring roles. This workshop is appropriate for anyone who is student-facing and is helpful for anyone who hopes to better support others who are student-facing in their work.

Zoom Workshop: Zoom registration Link

Facilitator: Laurie Dickstein-Fischer. Any questions can be directed to Cami Condie, CTI Faculty Fellow. 


Image source: Caring hands by Line Icons Pro from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)


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