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Swatting Calls on Campus

Status message

Please note that this event has already occurred.
Virtual Training

Tentative Agenda 

9-9:10 am: Welcome Remarks 

Mary Grant, President of MassArt 
Marian T. Ryan, Middlesex District Attorney 

9:10-10:30 am: Investigating Swatting Hoaxes 

Brian Leblanc, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation 
John Strazzullo, Lieutenant, Massachusetts State Police 

10:30-11:30 am: Implementing Best Practices Panel 

Moderator: Marian T. Ryan, Middlesex District Attorney 


John DiFava, MIT Campus Police Chief 

Victor Clay, Harvard University Police Chief 

Tyrone Parham, Assistant Vice Chancellor/Chief of Police, UMASS Amherst 


11:30-11:45 am: Break 


11:45 am-12:15 pm: Community Impact/Crisis Management 

Amanda Robbins, Campus Safety Advisor, Department of Higher Education 


12:15-12:45 pm: Responding to Breaking News 


Register for the training. 

When 12:15pm

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