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CIS Partnership and CIS Horizons

Meet Meg

CIS student Meg studies

Meet Meg

Horizons Student living in on-campus housing

What I like about SSU: "Living in the dorm! Having my own independence. Being able to participate in activities late in the day and evenings."

Partnership and Horizons

• Eligible students 18-22 years of age: intellectual disabilities, autisim, and or developmental disabilities 

• Must have completed 12th year of high school 

• Partnership students remain eligible for an IEP through the district 

• MOA with the distiric to provide an executive functioning coach 

CIS Partnership Offerings 

• Students enroll in two courses per semester (first semester/audit) 

• Students attend three days a week 

• Two - four hour a week supported internship 


• Peer mentors 

• Access all SSU activities and services 

First Year Students 

• Impact Travel Training 

• University Life 

• Second Year students can apply for inclusive housing (funding through DHE) 

Option for Students No Longer Eligible for Special Education 


• Students enroll in 2-3 courses per semester (first semester/audit) 

• Students attend 3-4 days a week 

• 2-4 hours a week supported internship 


• Peer mentors 

• Participation fee to be established 2/1/24 

• Executive Functioning coach 

• Access all SSU activities and services 

First Year Students 

• Impact Travel Training 

• University Life 

• Second year students can apply for inclusive housing (funding through DHE) 

• On-campus residence hall 

• Students enroll in three courses and have an internship 

• Faded support of the coach 

• Students meet with a community life coordinator over the summer 

• Peer mentors 

• Meet weekly with the community life coordinator 

• Separate application requited for housing option 

Room and board funded through the MAICEI grant 

• Eligible students: 18+ with a diploma, 22-26 aged out of special education, intellectual disabilities, autism, and or developmental disabilities 

• Two-year program-must enroll by 24th birthday 

• Participation fee per semester 

• Funding: private pay and/or agency funding, DHE grant

• Students who are DDS eligible may use self directed funds for the CIS Horizons participation fee 

• Students who have MRC income-baesd eligibility may be able to access funding for CIS Horizons. 

• Private pay for CIS Horizons participation fee. 

• MA DHE grand funds support couse fees, peer mentors, CIS staffing, and for residence eligible students, room and board. 


• Applications open February 1 and close May 1

• Application must be requested by the district 

• Completed application-transcripts, IEP, most recent testing, references reviewed by CIS staff 

• On campus interview scheduled to include attending an SSU class 

CIS Horizons 

• Applications open February 1 and close May 1

• Application requested by student or guardian 

• Pre-application interview scheduled 

• Application completed-transcripts, IEP, most recent testing, references from district and employer/volunteer supervisor 

• On campus interview scheduled to include attending an SSU class 


Contact Us

Chris Lenahan

Project Coordinator


Matt Nolan

Program Manager


Rachel Connary

Employment and Community Life Coordinator

Contact Us

Mailing Address:
352 Lafayette St.
Salem, MA 01970
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