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Katelyn Adams

Womxn’s Leadership Lunch with Alison King (Students Only)
Friday, March 1, 12-1:30 pm | Charlotte Forten Room, Meier 316B.
Award-winning journalist Alison King wants to meet the womxn leaders of Salem State University! This will be an informal lunch where students will have a conversation with Alison about her experiences as a woman in leadership, share their experiences, and ask questions. Alison King is an award-winning journalist with over 30 years of experience in the broadcasting industry. She has covered seven presidential elections and interviewed every Republican and Democratic presidential candidate since 1996. King has also reported and produced three documentaries and has won several awards for her reporting including four Emmys, two Gracies and three Associated Press awards.
Service Saturday: Citizens Inn
Saturday, March 2, 9:30 am-1:30 pm | Citizens Inn, Peabody MA
Join us on Saturday, March 2 as we volunteer with our friends from Citizens Inn. Citizens Inn is a non profit organization committed to breaking the patterns of instability that lead to homelessness and hunger. During our time at the agency we will be painting walls, cabinetry, and hanging artwork at a shelter in Peabody. Transportation is provided. We will be meeting outside of Dunks in Meier Hall at 9:30am prior to departure and arriving back to campus at 1:30pm.
Understanding Power and Relational Organizing with Community Organizer, Gabe Cohen-Glinick and Cynthia Boyd from Neighbor to Neighbor
Monday, March 4, 11 am-1 pm | Meier Hall 316, Charlotte Forten Room
In this workshop, attendees will learn how to understand power in the context of relational organizing through power building and one on one meetings, as well as power mapping to understand who the key players are in advocacy work.
When: Monday, March 4, 2024, 11;00-1:00 pm.
Where: Meier Hall 316, Charlotte Forten Room.
Presidential Primary Election Day
Tuesday, March 5, 7 am-8 pm
For On Campus Students: The Enterprise Center, Central Campus
For Off Campus Students: Your Local Polling Place
Prepare yourself to vote and learn more about Vikings Vote.
Advocacy Month Keynote Speakers: Rosario Ubiera-Minaya and Michelle Richardson
Tuesday, March 5, 1:40-2:55 pm | Ellison Campus Center, Veterans Hall
Art is a powerful tool in telling stories and inspiring social change. The Center for Civic Engagement is excited to welcome Executive Director, Rosario Ubiera-Minaya and Community Engagement Manager, Michelle Richardson from RAW Artworks for our Advocacy Month keynote. “RAW" is a youth arts organization, rooted in art therapy. At its core, RAW believes that all kids should be seen and heard and that everyone has a story to tell. Located in Lynn, Massachusetts, RAW offers a variety of free programming from painting to filmmaking, for kids in grades 4-12. RAW uses art to ask kids “What’s really going on?” in their lives, giving them the tools to create in unexpected ways, and envision new possibilities for their future.” RAW’s mission is to ignite the desire to create and the confidence to succeed in our youth.
During this keynote address we will learn how the arts are essential to the advocacy process and have been a powerful tool in many social movements throughout history. Come join this engaging keynote that will involve a public art installation and learn how we can collectively bridge the gap between the world as it is to the world as it should be.
Rosario’s Bio:
Rosario is a leader, community activist, and social entrepreneur. She has over 26 years of experience working and advocating for systemic change, social justice, and equity, on behalf of the black and brown communities of color, in the arts, education, housing, voter engagement, and health. She has successfully developed and implemented initiatives that have made impactful contributions to promoting the social and economic wellbeing of the Latinx community. Rosario is currently Executive Director Raw Art Works. Prior to her role at RAW, Rosario held the role of President and Executive Director for Amplify Latinx, a non-partisan, collaborative movement whose mission is to build Latinx economic and political power by significantly increasing Latinx civic engagement and representation in leadership positions across sectors. Rosario established and led a Latinx power coalition of over 6,500 active members and over 350 business and community partners. She is also the founder and principal of Cojuelos' Productions, a social enterprise that proudly celebrates black and brown creatives' artistic expressions by promoting innovative, diverse, and culturally oriented programming and curated experiences through a social justice lens. Rosario's vision led to what is today the PUNTO Urban Arts Museum in Salem, an outdoor collection of public art that serves as a vehicle to start breaking down the socioeconomic and invisible divides that exist in low-income communities of color.
Michelle’s Bio:
Michelle Richardson is a firm believer that you cannot have successful and consistent community engagement without strong community-based partnerships and collaborations. She strives to empower youth, families, small businesses, and community organizations to bring people together, organize events, and bring about positive change in our community. We are excited to learn first hand how art can be used to bridge the gap between the world as it is, and the world as it should be, helping us to reimagine the space between.
Amplify LatinX Exhibit at the Peabody Essex Museum
Thursday, March 7, 2:30-5:30 pm | Peabody Essex Museum.
Would you like to learn more about the Latinx community leaders in MA? Please join us at the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) on Thursday, March 7, 2024 to view the Amplify Latinx 100 honorees exhibit. Do not miss this opportunity to celebrate the cultural, social, and economic contributions of Latinx leaders who have left an indelible mark on their fields and communities across Massachusetts. Berry IOP Fellow, Tomas Gonzalez, Director of Community and Advocacy at Amplify Latinx will be joining us.
This exhibit will be on display for a final time at the PEM from February 29, 2024 through March 12, 2024 at the Garden Atrium and East India Marine Hall.
Transportation Provided 2:30 or 3:15 pm
Salem State Hunger Free Campus Coalition
Thursday, March 7 and Tuesday, March 19, 10-12pm | North Dining, Dunkin.
Join our Hunger Free Campus Coalition as they table to share information about the Hunger Free Campus Bill, what you can do to support it, as well as resources available on our campus to aid students in combating campus hunger.
The Two E’s: Navigating the Fork in the Road, with Tomás Gonzalez
Thursday, March 21, 1:40-2:55 pm | Ellison Campus Center, Veterans Hall
Join us for an interactive workshop on understanding the differences between being an elected official and being an employee, or staffer, for an elected official. During this event, distinguished guests will explore the unique challenges, responsibilities, and opportunities that come with each path. These valuable insights will help you navigate the fork in the road as you prepare for an impactful career.
Featuring Guest Speakers:
Calvin Feliciano, Political Operative
Boston At-Large City Councillor Julia Mejia
State Representative Andy Vargas - 3rd Essex
How to Navigate the 2024 Election, with Alison King
Wednesday, March 27, 10:50-12:05 pm | Ellison Campus Center, Martin Luther King Jr. Room
With vast experience in political campaigning, reporting, and consulting, a panel of distinguished guests will share their knowledge of how to best follow the 2024 presidential race and how to make sense of the current political climate. Panelists will discuss the importance of being educated about the process, having a healthy skepticism, and looking beyond social media silos.
Featuring Guest Speakers:
Glenn Johnson: Strategic Communications Consultant, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Secretary Of State John Kerry, former AP Washington bureau reporter and former Washington correspondent for the Boston Globe.
Kimberly Atkins Stohr: Senior Opinion Writer and Columnist for the Boston Globe. MSNBC contributor, cohost of the Politicon podcast #sistersinlaw
Hunger Free Campus Bill Advocacy Day and Briefing
Wednesday, March 27, 11:30-5:30 pm | Massachusetts State House, Boston
Transportation will be provided. Meet in the lobby of Meier Hall to catch the shuttle to the T station at 11:15 am.
Join us in participating in a briefing with champions of the Hunger Free Campus bill and lobbying our elected officials in supporting $2 million to be allocated in the fiscal year 2025 budget for the Hunger Free Campus Initiatives as well as support for the legislation.
The Hunger Free Campus Initiative allows the Department of Higher Education to support projects for eligible campuses including:
Notifying students of eligibility for federal food assistance benefits (SNAP, WIC).
Establishing on-campus EBT-SNAP vendors and meal-sharing programs.
Funding for SNAP enrollment staff.
Creating awareness and anti-stigma campaigns.
Sexual Violence Prevention and Survivor Advocacy Civic Dinner
Wednesday, March 27, 5:30-7:30 pm | Ellison Campus Center, Martin Luther King, Jr. Room.
Please join us for an evening of food, networking, and learning from local advocates invested in ensuring access to protections and resources for all students and people in the North Shore community impacted by sexual violence. Leaders will share with us information about their organization, provide insight on the current issues facing survivors and prevention, policies that would eliminate barriers, and share their current advocacy efforts. They will also provide feedback on how students can be effective advocates for this important social issue.
Advocacy Zine Workshop with Dawn Stahura
Thursday, March 28, 1:40-2:55 pm | Fredrick E. Berry Library, Second Floor Zine Maker Space
Curious about zines? Then this workshop is for you! A zine (short name for magazine) is a small, self-published book that anyone can create about any topic they’re interested in. In this workshop, you will create your own zine while learning about the history of self-publication being used for feminist social justice movements. You will be encouraged to draw, write, and/or collage to create your zines. A variety of zine examples will be shared as well as a short tour of the Salem State University Student-Created Zine Collection. At the end of the workshop, you will have the opportunity to exchange some of the zines you have created with other participants.
Inspiring Action Through Storytelling: Having Better Conversations About Climate Change with Joey Wolongevicz '22
Thursday, March 28, 4:30-5:30 pm | Zoom
We all struggle with difficult topics like climate change, especially when trying to change someone's behavior or perspective. This workshop will equip attendees with a basic understanding of how to use simple storytelling tactics to have more productive and meaningful climate conversations with friends, family, and even strangers.