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Dustin Luca

SALEM, MASS – Julie Kiernan, an associate professor of theater and speech communication, is being spotlighted in media abroad for her Fulbright work this past 2023-24 academic year.
Kiernan, alongside three other faculty on their own Fulbright journeys to different parts of the world, taught students at New Bulgarian University in Sofia, Bulgaria on how to use theater to offer commentary on societal issues.
Her work was featured this week by Fulbright Bulgaria.
"It is well known that immersing oneself in diverse perspectives fosters understanding, compassion, and the ability to relate to the experiences of others. Theater, with its profound capacity to convey messages to audiences, can significantly enhance a community’s sense of empathy," the article opens. "Theater arts encourage collaboration and can serve as a platform for social discourse, potentially driving social change. When Julie Kiernan ... accepted a Fulbright award to collaborate with the Theater Department of New Bulgarian University, she aimed to impart this very message to her Bulgarian students."
To read the full feature, click here.