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Professor Noel Healy Joins Cell Press Journal's International Advisory Board

Aug 23, 2023
Prof. Noel Healy

Geography and Sustainability Department Faculty member Professor Noel Healy accepted the invitation to join the Advisory Board of Cell Press’s newest journal Cell Reports Sustainability. Professor Healy will serve a three year term on the international advisory board.

Cell Reports: Sustainability is a new gold open access journal from Cell Press which will publish high-quality research and discussion that contribute to our understanding and responding to environmental, socio-ecological, technological, and energy-and health-related challenges.

Professor Healy was a contributing author for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report (AR6/WGIII), and is also on the editorial board of Energy Research and Social Sciences.

The Geography and Sustainability Department at Salem State offers a concentration in environmental sustainability for geography majors. The inter-disciplinary curriculum integrates perspectives from human and physical geography, biology, geology, political science as well as philosophy and economics to form the basis of sustainable science. This program prepares majors for careers in climate action planning, climate change resiliency adaptation and sustainable energy policy, among others.

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