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Senior Spotlight ‘24: William Reagan

May 10, 2024
William Reagan

Preferred pronouns: He/Him

Major/Concentration: Business Administration, finance concentration

Hometown: Rockland, MA

What made you choose Salem State, and what is the one thing you think a prospective student should know about our campus community?

I picked SSU because I really enjoyed the vibe and environment every time I visited, especially during October since Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I want prospective students to know how accepting and diverse our campus community is, from gender to background to ethnicity.

What have you enjoyed most about your experience living on campus?

I have enjoyed meeting new people and making friends, something that I know can be very difficult for commuters. I have stayed engaged with the campus community by attending various events, working on campus, prompting many interactions with other students, and organizing events with others.

What are you involved in on campus? (Student groups, clubs, organizations, jobs, internships, honors, or athletic affiliations)

I am a member of the Commonwealth Honors Program, its office manager, a member of the Honors Program Advisory Council, and a Student Transition and Engagement Program mentor.

Can you describe the educational value and affordability you’ve experienced at Salem State University? How has the university supported your academic journey regarding quality and accessibility?

One thing I cannot stress enough is the importance of studying abroad. Exploring another part of the country or even the world is one of the best ways to learn not just about a place but also about yourself. I would not have been able to go on as many trips as I have without additional funding via grants and scholarships from Honors and the university.

Could you discuss the relationships you’ve developed with faculty members at Salem State and how these relationships have influenced your learning and personal growth?

I have made many personal relationships with professors here on campus. Many of them ask to be called by their first name without titles. There is a lot of mutual respect, which allows me and others to interact more with our professors, which helps our learning.

Salem State emphasizes hands-on learning experiences. Can you share any memorable experiences where you’ve applied classroom knowledge in real-world settings through projects?

In the Fall semester of my senior year, I began an internship at Finer Wealth Management, where I applied what I had learned up to that point and continued to increase my knowledge of the field. I had gotten the proper foundation to get going and then build upon it, like learning about different investments and the rules, recommending trades for clients, and learning from my superiors how to improve.

What have you accomplished during your time at Salem that you are most proud of?

What I am most proud of to have done while at SSU is getting out of my comfort zone and doing things I had never done before. Studying abroad in a foreign country for a semester, putting myself out there more, joining an e-board, etc.

In what ways has Salem State demonstrated its commitment to your success, both academically and personally? Can you share any specific instances where the university has gone above and beyond to support you?

During my freshman year, I was a mentee of the STEP program. I had a mentor and coach who met with me on a regular basis. Back when everything was on Zoom, it was good to have a few people I could talk to one-on-one about how life and school were going, especially amid the pandemic.

As you near graduation, how do you feel Salem State has prepared you for your future career? What resources or opportunities have been particularly valuable in this regard?

SSU has given me the foundation of knowledge to understand the core concepts, and the university's network allowed me to intern at two different companies to increase my knowledge further.

What are your post-graduation plans, and how do you believe your time at Salem State has equipped you for success in pursuing them?

I am currently looking for a post-graduation job and feel ready to work due to what I learned from my finance classes and the further learning from my internships.

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