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Dustin Luca

SALEM, MASS. – Students looking ahead to commencement and the career launch beyond will find everything they need at Career Services’ Job and Internship Fair, set to take over the O’Keefe Sports Complex Thursday, March 6.
The Job and Internship Fair at Salem State University is Career Services’ premier annual event and open to all students from first year to soon-to-graduate. It provides students an opportunity to connect with employers looking to hire SSU talent, explore other industries, practice elevator pitches, discuss future internship opportunities, and more.
“The overall goal of the Job and Internship Fair is to help connect employers who are offering employment and internship opportunities to our students all in one space,” said Wynter Bendinelli-Volz, events and internship coordinator in Career Services. “It provides our students with a great opportunity to not only meet employers from industries they’re currently interested in, but also industries they’ve yet to explore.”
The Job and Internship Fair follows an event prep week that ran from Feb. 18 to 23, during which students could have their resume reviewed by an employer or career advisor, get a new career-ready outfit from the campus Career Closet, have a professional headshot taken for LinkedIn, and more.
That’s all in advance of the fair itself, where all students are encouraged to bring their resume and a willingness to connect. Many companies with tables bring teams of employees, often alumni of Salem State who are familiar with what the university offers. Some tables are also designated as first-year friendly to attract students who are just beginning in their journeys.
“This event provides employers the opportunity to build their brand, promote available positions, and showcase their organization,” said Helaina Polito, associate director of Career Services. “Meanwhile our Vikings can explore new potential experiences, engage, ask questions, and highlight their goals, interests and impressive skillsets.”
Please visit the Job and Internship Fair’s event page for more information and to register in advance.