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Transition to Remote Work

Mar 15, 2020

Dear faculty, administrators and staff,

Tomorrow the university will begin the transition to remote work status. Salem State faculty, administrators, staff and contractors, except for essential personnel, will work remotely starting on Tuesday, March 17 – Friday, March 27. Essential personnel will be notified of their status by the end of the day on Monday. All faculty, administrators and staff (full-time, part-time and contract) and student workers will be paid their normal rates during this period. Additional information will be sent to supervisors and an email about coding payroll will be forthcoming.

Administrators and staff members should report to work as normal tomorrow, the first day of spring break. During the day, you will meet with your supervisor to determine your assignments during this period. Part of this conversation will be identifying the technology you’ll need during this time. Once you have completed a work plan with your supervisor, you may leave campus to return home.

Please be aware that no hardware such as laptops will be distributed on Monday. As there is a limited supply of this equipment, a distribution process is being determined based on priorities and inventory. The university is also concerned about cybersecurity issues. An update about technology options will be provided to supervisors in the very near future.

Thank you for your flexibility during this unprecedented time. I appreciate your willingness to continue with the important work of this university as we all adjust to new circumstances.

John Keenan



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