Elemental analysis: Equipped with a varioMICRO cube elemental analyzer, we provide elemental analyses of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur. VarioMICRO’s purge and trap chromatography technology contributes to the precision of our nitrogen separation and sulfur analyses. We offer OC, TC, N, and S elemental analyses.
Stable isotope analysis: Our IsoPrime 100 isotope ratio mass spectrometer affords us high-precision measurements with its exceptional per meg performance. We offer δ13Corg, δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S isotopic analyses.
Sample preparation: We also provide sample preparation services utilizing our Mettler Toledo XP6 microbalance for an additional fee. Freeze drying and homogenization are also available (LabConco Freezone 4.5L, Wig-L-Bug Dentsply multispeed grinder, Spex 8000M mixer/mill). Please contact us for a quote.
13C + 15N
Enter sample type:
Sediments, plant material, etc or GF/F filters
Preparation/encapsulation in-house or by VESIL
This price includes both elemental and isotopic analyses for carbon and nitrogen. Please contact for samples that require acidification or extra preparation.
34S + 15N
Enter sample type:
Sediments, plant material, etc or GF/F filters
Preparation/encapsulation in-house or by VESIL
- This price includes both elemental and isotopic analyses for sulfur and nitrogen. Please contact for samples that require extra preparation.