Alpha Kappa Delta (the sociology honor society)
Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD) is an international sociology honor society that encourages the study of humanity for the purpose of service. AKD was founded in 1920 at the University of Southern California by Emory S. Bogardus, PhD. AKD became affiliated with the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS) in 1967. AKD is also affiliated with the American Sociological Association (ASA).
Purpose of AKD

The purpose of Alpha Kappa Delta is to acknowledge and promote excellence in the scholarship and study of sociology, the research of social problems, and such other social and intellectual activities that will lead to the improvement of the human condition.
Minimum Eligibility Requirements for Membership
Undergraduates must meet the following minimum criteria:
- Must be an officially declared sociology major or demonstrate a serious interest in sociology within an official program of the institution.
- Junior-level class standing minimum.
- Minimum overall cumulative GPA of 3.3.
- Minimum 3.0 GPA within the sociology major.
- Completion of at least four (4) regular courses in sociology prior to initiation.
There is no application process. Sociology students who meet the eligibility requirements will receive an invitation to join AKD. The invitations will go out sometime in the spring semester, with the induction ceremony taking place in April.
The AKD chapter representative is Professor Sara Moore.