Domestic Violence
Domestic violence or family violence is the abuse of power or control. It is behavior used by one person to control another through force or threats. A batterer makes a choice to strike, hit, kick, punch, or threaten the victim. Domestic violence includes physical and sexual attacks and threats. These violent acts are criminal, and the batterer can be prosecuted for committing them. These acts are a means of controlling the victim's thoughts, feelings and behavior.
If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse, it is important to know that help is available to you. It is important to know that there are a variety of resources available to you both on and off campus. Please refer to the information below to see what steps you can take to protect yourself or someone you know.
Resources and Phone Numbers
Salem State University Police Department: Criminal Investigations 978.542.6125
Salem State University Police Department Emergency: 978.542.6111
Salem State University Police Department (Non-Emergency): 978.542.6511
Healing Abuse Working for Change (H.A.W.C.): Hotline: 978.744.6841 Office: 978.744.8552
Salem Police Station: Non-Emergency: 978.744.0171
Emergency: 911
What you need to know
- What is domestic abuse?
- What is a 209A Order?
- Where can I get a 209A order?
- How can I get a 209A order in the district court?
- Can a minor obtain a 209A order?
- What questions are asked on the form?
- What should you do if you want to change the terms of the Order?
- What crimes can be charged?
- How do Out-of-State Abuse Orders work?
- What resources are available to victims of abuse?
- Your risk of harm
- Suggestions for protection
- Rights of the abused
- Domestic Violence Safety Plan
- Restraining Order Checklist
- What can neighbors and friends do to help?
A Note to Abusers
Batterers should seek help from counselors or batterer treatment centers. This behavior is voluntary and can be controlled if you truly want it to. Be aware that changes in the laws give the police power of arrest if they have probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed involving abuse. The police will act, and the District Attorney's office can prosecute even if the victim is not willing to testify in court. Domestic violence will not be tolerated!