June 22-24, 2022
Virtual Conference

This virtual conference will take a deep look at the rights of children, and ways to improve the lives of children and communities.
Children may be our national treasure, but they aren’t always a national priority. The USA was once a world leader in promoting children’s human rights and well-being. Today, children are our main group of citizens most likely to experience poverty, housing insecurity, and hunger; issues about their health, education, bullying, safety, exposure to violence, use of social media, rising rates of suicide, and mental illness are concerns in every community and home. We can do something about this if we focus on how to protect their human rights – rights to which all people are entitled.
This virtual conference will bring together leaders from different professional areas of life, younger and older, to discuss what children’s human rights are, how they are being implemented, why they are important, and what we can do to improve children’s lives.
Register for the Virtual Conference
Registration is free! Register online for the Children’s Human Rights in the USA conference.
Presentation Titles
Nearly 60 speakers will be presenting!
Read a full description of each presentation.
Caroline Adophson
Children’s Right to Health
David Alexander
Understanding how we understand children and childhood
Jetta Bernier
Enough Abuse Campaign
Ralph Chan
How Education Investments Impact Youth Opportunities
Jack Dalton
Empowering Children Through Education and Encouraging Action
Nolan Davis
Using Your Voice to Make a Change for Racial Justice
Shannon Desilets
Children's Right to Love and Be Loved
Peter DiGenarro
The Fretless Base: The Arts, Human Rights Education, and a Return to Possibilities
City of Salem Mayor Kimberly Driscoll '89
Welcome to Salem, a Child Rights Community
Mark Engman
The Importance of Child Rights
Marty Fox
Sports, Youth and Their Rights
Danielle Goldberg
The Child Friendly Communities Initiative
Rebecca Hains
Politics of Children’s Toys and Media
Hamilton-Wenham Human Rights Coalition, with Olivia Soolman, Neve Sheckells, Mariana Kaulbach, Maya Beach
Developing Movements for Local Change
Elizabeth Handsley
Media, Law, and Children’s Rights
Theresa Harris
Children’s human rights and the right to science
Kristin Henning
Race, Trauma, and the Criminalization of Adolescence in America
Tanya Herring
A Conversation About Children, Youth, and Criminal Justice
David Hogg
An Interview With A School Shooting Survivor and Social Change Advocate
Human Rights Watch Student Task Force
Human Rights and the Climate Crisis Virtual Town Hall
Meg Gardinier
The Important Contributions of the United States Historically in the Creation of Children’s Human Rights: Where are we now
Generation Citizen
What we do and why it is important
Elizabeth Gershoff
Corporal Punishment and Children's Rights
Christine James-Brown
Child Poverty in the USA
Melissa Juchniewicz
The right to read the word and the world
Nazneen Khan
COVID-19 and Children’s Human Rights
Emily Perl Kingsley
Rights of Children with Disabilities to Be Seen, Heard, and Respected
Ema Sofia Leitao
Freedom of speech for young people
Lina Lenberg
Child Voices For Human Rights: Teaching Human Rights Through Classroom Activities
Wendy Lesko
Minors Matter! Movement towards Intergenerational Collaboration
Bruce Lesley
Childism in the USA: What it is and why it matters
Scarlett Lewis
Choose Love Movement
State Senator Joan Lovely '06
How To Create A Children’s Commission
Anika Manzoor
Teen Activism: An Untapped Force for Social Change
Ellen Marrus
Children’s Human Rights And the Law
Quixada Moore-Vissing
Civic Engagement Includes Children and Youth
Jose Noronha Rodrigues
Child Rights in Portugal
Kristi Rudelius-Palmer
Children and Youth Rights Training in Action
Alison Sabean
We Are More Than You Think
Leah Salloway
The right to a self-determined future for children with disabilities
Graça Santos
Children’s Human Rights to Education: Intergenerationality, older adults, and participation in the community
Senator Jeanne Shaheen
Welcome to the Importance of Children’s Human Rights
Audrey Smolkin
Children and Trauma: What communities can do to help them
Michele Solloway
Trauma’s impact on children’s minds and bodies
Sarah Sugatt
Why therapy is important for children and the child within us
Melissa Threadgill
Children and Trauma: What communities can do to help them
Kay Tisdall
Learning from Scotland: The journey to incorporating the UNCRC
Jonathan Todres
Making Children’s Rights Widely Known
State Representative Paul Tucker '87
Welcome and Importance of Child Rights
Yvonne Vissing
Welcome and Contextualizing Children’s Human Rights
Katherine Walts
Children’s Human Rights
Jane Williams
What We Can Learn About Universal Children’s Rights in Wales
Starsky Wilson
The Importance of Participation in Public Policy for Child Well-Being
Joseph Wright
Reimagining Children's Rights in the United States Context
Heidi Young (With Ariel Hayes, Erin George-Kelly, and Kadyja Harris)
Addressing Youth Homelessness with Youth Leadership
Pinar Zubaroglu-Ionnaides
The Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Impacts Around the World