Title IX
Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex or gender in any federally funded education program or activity. Salem State University’s Title IX Compliance Taskforce was formed to ensure compliance with law, create and update internal policies and procedures as well to establish prevention efforts on campus.
The taskforce is made up of individuals from key departments across campus such as the dean of students, human resources and equal opportunity, residence life, university police, counseling and health services, and the PEAR program. Title IX applies to all students, staff and faculty. Download the complete Title IX policy.
Make a Report
Any Salem State community member who has been the victim of sexual assault or any other sex-based discrimination is highly encouraged to make a report to the Title IX coordinator, whose information is available below. Alternative reporting options are also available. If a report is made to a responsible employee, they will be required to report the information to the Title IX coordinator. Although they will be unable to keep the report confidential, it will remain highly private, and only those who need to know will be informed.
Make a report online
Learn about the reporting process through our FAQ guide
Title IX Coordinator
Title IX Training Materials
Salem State University is a member of the Student Conduct Institute. Access SCI Title IX training materials.
More information for Impacted Individuals/Victims/Survivors
- What is Salem State’s policy on sexual violence?
- What are Salem State’s procedures for handling complaints?
- Where can I make a report?
- What can I expect after reporting?
- Can I talk to someone confidentially?
- What resources and support are available to the victim of sexual assault?
- Who does Title IX apply to?
- Are there resources and support available to someone accused of sexual assault?
- What is sexual assault? Consent? Harassment? Stalking? And more definitions.
- What sexual assault prevention programs are available on campus?