The Writing Center offers writing support to the entire Salem State community through its tutoring services, writing events, and undergraduate and graduate workshops. We’ve worked with students who come to us from over 30 different majors and who speak over 50 different languages. We also assist faculty in supporting student writers in all majors and disciplines.
All of our undergraduate and graduate tutors have been professionally trained in a semester long writing tutor course (ENL 302/ENG 870). The tutoring staff assist writers with topic development, brainstorming, organization, sentence-level writing issues, citation, oral and/or visual presentations, conference abstracts, proposals, presentations, and professional documents (cover letters, resumes, personal statements). To meet your needs, we offer three modes of tutoring: in-person, synchronous (online tutoring, zoom) and asynchronous (e-tutoring, essay drop-off). We also periodically offer special skill-building and community events, writing groups, and study sessions. Drop-in and schedule-ahead appointments are typically available though drop-ins are dependent on tutor availability. The physical center is located on the first floor of the Berry library next to academic support. From the main door, take a right and continue past the computers to the Mary G. Walsh Writing Center.
I wanted to write to thank you for all your efforts to make my students' visits to the Writing Center so successful. I very much appreciated the detailed feedback that the tutors gave on my students' drafts and it definitely made a huge impact on their final versions. -Professor Eric Yitzchak Metchik, criminal justice
Students: Schedule a Peer Tutoring Appointment
Faculty: Request Writing Center Assistance
Peer Tutoring in the Course Embedded Tutor Program (CETP)
In addition to one-to-one tutoring support in the center, we offer writing support for students in the Course Embedded Tutor Program (CETP). The CETP pairs a faculty member teaching a writing-intensive general education course (W-I, W-II, and W-III course) with an undergraduate or graduate writing center tutor. The tutor provides writing support to students in the assigned class, working closely with the faculty member and with students to improve their writing and achieve W course learning goals and objectives. All faculty participants have participated in writing pedagogy professional development workshops.
Faculty and students interested in participating in the program should contact Tanya Rodrigue at trodrigue@salemstate.edu or visit the program’s Canvas page.
Student Testimonials
Student Testimonials
“I thought it was really helpful. The tutor not only helped teach me about writing in general, but specifically about writing for this class and the content of the class.”
“I think it was helpful and helped me create work that I was proud to turn in.”
“This was an awesome program! Thank you!”