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The master of science in counseling program is designed to provide you with the academic preparation and applied practicum/internship training experiences necessary for professional careers in counseling and related fields. Students may select one of two specialty areas: Mental Health Counseling (MHC) or School Adjustment Counseling (SAC). Both specialties aim to provide a broad, research-based understanding of human functioning; promote the development of skills and behaviors essential for ethical and effective clinical work in diverse settings with diverse populations; and facilitate reflective practice and professional development. Our curriculum is aligned with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts licensure requirements. Both concentrations include an applied practicum/internship supervised by seasoned on-site clinical supervisors in mental health agencies.

Graduate student in a classroom

Virtual Graduate Open House

Join us April 14-17

Facts and Figures

  • 100

    of students pursuing internships have been placed (2020-23).
  • 100

    of program faculty currently practice in the field.
  • 100

    of courses are taught in the evening.

Master of Science in Counseling

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