Creating Public Art
In Summer 2017 the support of our donors allowed us to sponsor art + design students Mark Katz and Emily Kwong to paint art boxes as part of the City of Salem's public art program. This was a unique opportunity for them to create public art and work with a municipality. Mark Katz's art box, shown at left, can be found in downtown Salem at the intersection of Derby and Washington streets.
Residencies With Master Artists
Donor support allowed us to bring cutting edge dance company Chicago Crash Dance to campus. They led masterclasses for our dance students and presented a performance and q and a for the campus community.
Summer Artistic Development Grants
Donor support provides the opportunity for students to explore their artistic vision beyond the classroom. They attend prestigious workshops or programs in their discipline or develop a creative idea. In summer 2017 grant recipient Edwin J. Calderon made a short film, written by him and including his original music.
A Note from the Director
The Center for the Arts is a vital part of our North Shore community, offering diverse, high-quality events in theatre, dance, music, art and creative writing. Our programming is also part of our student artists' training and education while at Salem State University. We are proud to nurture the next generation of creative and performing artists.
Please help us to continue to keep these events affordable and of the highest quality. Be a part of our audience. Make the arts a part of your life, part of our students' lives and part of the rich experience of living on the North Shore. Your tax-deductible gift will help build the foundation for the next generation of artists and arts patrons.
Tomorrow's artists thank you.
Karen Gahagan
Director, Center for the Arts
Member Benefits
Donors of $1,000 or more also become members of the Sullivan Society, the university's most prestigious giving circle. Donors of $250 or more are invited to special member events including backstage tours, cast and director meet and greets, and the annual Creativity Awards Night. All members receive the Artsview newsletter and are listed in all printed dance, music and theatre program books. Donations are tax deductible.
Member Levels:
Guardian Angel: $2,000+
Angel: $1,000-$1,999
Muse’s Circle: $500-$599
Player’s Circle: $250-$499
Artisan’s Circle: $100-$249
Friend: $50-$99
Patron Under: $50
How to Make a Donation
Checks may be made payable to Salem State University Foundation/Arts.
Mail to:
Center for Creative and Performing Arts
Salem State University
352 Lafayette Street, Salem, MA 01970
To donate using a credit card, you can do so on our online portal by selecting Center for Creative and Performing Arts as the designation from the drop-down menu.