July 18-19, 2024
Hosted by Salem State University
The Commonwealth’s Civic Engagement University
Emerging Hispanic and Minority Serving Institution
Breakout Sessions
Successful Pathways for Latinx Community College Transfer Students
Bertolon 112, Harrington Campus
This session will share outcomes from the Latino Student Success Initiative, a partnership between Bunker Hill Community College and UMass Boston’s Gastón Institute, focusing on equitable outcomes for Latinx students.
Lorna Rivera, PhD, Director, Gastón Institute, UMass Boston; Jonathan Vega Martínez, PhD Candidate, Gastón Institute, UMass Boston; and R. Arlene Vallie, Interim Dean, Academic Affairs, Bunker Hill Community College.
Context Matters: The Educational Lives of Massachusetts Latine College Students
Bertolon 111, Harrington Campus
Grounded in research, best practices, and cultural wealth models for teaching and learning, this interactive session centers on the educational lives and social contexts of Latine college students. Together, we will explore: who are today’s Latine students and what historical, social, and political factors impact their educational experiences and outcomes? What are some effective institutional policies, programs, and practices that promote Latine student success? What might this look like at Hispanic-Serving Institutions? How can we transform institutions of higher learning from Hispanic enrolling to Hispanic serving?
Melissa Colón, PhD, Assistant Professor, Urban Education, Leadership and Policy Studies and Research Associate, Gastón Institute, UMass Boston.
The Role of Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) in Developing Community Engagement Frameworks for Supporting Latinx Students
Charlotte Forten Residence Hall 123, Harrington Campus, (Behind Starbucks)
This interactive session will present two ABCD-based frameworks that HSIs and emerging HSIs can utilize to better support their Latinx students’ community engagement activities. Participants will walk away with strategies and insights that will help them create more relevant, supportive, and asset-oriented community engagement opportunities to center Latinx student identities and communities to enhance institutions’ ability to serve this student population with intention.
Marisol Morales, EdD, Executive Director, Carnegie Elective Classifications, and Assistant Vice President, American Council on Education.
The Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions Journey: From Title V Eligibility to Funding
Veterans Hall, Ellison Campus Center, North Campus
Join us for an interactive panel discussion aimed to equip you for the journey from eligibility to a competitive grant application. This session will introduce attendees to the eligibility designation process, design and development of the Title V grant application, stakeholder engagement and collaboration, and practical tips for successful submission.
Brian Vanden Heuvel, PhD, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Salem State University; Derek Lopez, PhD, Associate Vice President of Operations and Advancement, Colorado State University Pueblo; Theresa Brewer, President, TLB Consulting; Kathe German, President, Development Institute; and Maritza Gaviria Onodje, Director of Student Success, Bunker Hill Community College.
Pathway Coaching and Holistic Advising: Lessons from the HOPE Initiative and LifeMap
MLK Room, Ellison Campus Center, North Campus
This session will explore how Advising and LifeMap and the HOPE Initiative at Bunker Hill Community College collaborate to assist students with financial, academic, and career (F-A-C) plans. Attendees will learn how coaches and navigators in LifeMap and HOPE use high impact practices to improve outcomes, focusing on equity and cultural wealth. Additionally, participants will engage in an activity to consider how they can foster intentional collaboration within their institution to create a cohesive student experience.
Jacqueline McMillion-Williams, Director of Advising and LifeMap, Bunker Hill Community College; and Emily Singer, Program Manager, Center for Equity and Cultural Wealth, Bunker Hill Community College.
The Importance of Multilingual and Multicultural Literacy at an HSI-MSI University
MLK Room, Ellison Campus Center, North Campus
This session will discuss a Salem State initiative that prioritizes language access for Latinx families. Through a cross campus collaboration, a language protocol was created and essential documents and information were translated into Spanish and other languages.
Michele C. Dávila Gonçalves, PhD, Professor, Salem State University; and Stephanie Valencia Rangel, Graduate Student, Salem State University.
Best Practices in Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) for HSIs/MSIs
Bertolon 112, Harrington Campus
Recognizing and valuing our students’ assets can culturally enrich our institutions and positively impact equity. For HSIsMSIs, Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is an academic strategy that promotes achievement by formally recognizing the value of these assets. This session will provide ideas for planning and implementing best practice CPL programming that prioritizes academic success for our diverse student populations.
Cristy Sugarman, EdD, Executive Director, Center for Alternative Studies and Educational Testline, North Shore Community College.
Faculty and Staff Affinity Groups
Bertolon 111, Harrington Campus
This session will highlight how MassBay Community College uses affinity groups to provide a sense of belonging, empower members to collectively advocate for and address systemic issues, and promote diversity, equity and inclusion.
Lynn S. Moore, PhD, Chief Diversity Officer, MassBay Community College; Phara Boyer, Director, Health Sciences Admissions and Admissions Operations, MassBay Community College; Elizabeth Kinsman, Success Project Manager, MassBay Community College; and Claudia Ortiz, Associate Director of Admissions, International Student Compliance, MassBay Community College.
Additional Federal Grant Opportunities for Emerging HSIs and MSIs
Veterans Hall, Ellison Campus Center, North Campus
Participants will become aware of the funding opportunities at the National Science Foundation (NSF) for emerging and designated HSIs.
Kathi Crow, PhD, Professor and AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow, Salem State University and the National Science Foundation; Michael Ferrara, Program director for the HSI and S-STEM programs, National Science Foundation; and Jennifer Ellis, Program director for the Noyce and the National STEM Teacher Corps Pilot Program.
Cultural Humility in Higher Education as a Model for Servingness: Building Institutional Capacity
Charlotte Forten Residence Hall 123, Harrington Campus, (Behind Starbucks)
This panel discussion, moderated by Vanessa Martínez, PhD, will focus on how Cultural Humility can become a framework for building institutional capacity for increasing a sense of belonging. The session will explore the role of cultural humility with HSI servingness.
Irma Medina, Director of Integrative Learning, Holyoke Community College; Julissa Colón, Director of El Centro, Holyoke Community College; Vanessa Martínez, PhD, Professor of Anthropology and Coordinator of Community Based Learning, Holyoke Community College; and Raúl D. Gutiérrez, Professor of Latinx Studies and Spanish/Coordinator of Learning Communities, Holyoke Community College.
Working Together for Student Success: Latine Communities and Public Universities
Bertolon 113, Harrington Campus
Join presenters to learn how community/university partnerships like the Latino Education Institute at Worcester State University can advance Latino student success.
Maria Juncos-Gautier, Executive Director, Latino Education Institute, Worcester State University; and Thomas Conroy, Chair Urban Studies and Director of City Lab, Worcester State University
Anti-Racist Community Engagement: Principles and Practices
MLK Room, Ellison Campus Center, North Campus
This interactive workshop is centered on strategies we can use to build skills we and our students need to engage in anti-racist community engaged work. Together, we’ll review the Principles for Anti-Racist Community Engagement, determine the skills we need to develop in our students and ourselves to abide by the principles, and collaborate on ways we can target these skills in our course planning and teaching.
Megan Schumaker Murphy, Assistant Professor, Childhood Education and Care, Salem State University; Roopika Risam, Associate Professor, Digital Humanities and Social Engagement, Dartmouth College; and Carlie Pierre, Director, Education and Training, Office of Inclusive Excellence, Salem State University.
A Roadmap to Serving Latinx Students and Beyond for Hispanic and Minority Serving Institutions in New England
Veterans Hall, Ellison Campus Center, North Campus
This session will discuss how Salem State developed an HSI-MSI Roadmap to servingness by focusing on the specific needs of Hispanic and Latino students in New England. By defining “servingness,” engaging in a community collaborative process, and centering on the intersectional identities of these populations, the roadmap has been integrated into the university’s Strategic Plan and is already being implemented.
Elisa Castillo, AVP for HSI-MSI Initiatives, Salem State University; and Keja Valens, Professor of English, Salem State University.
Pa’lante: Building Bridges and Breaking Barriers for Undocumented Student Success
Charlotte Forten Legacy Room, Meier Hall 316B, North Campus
Join a discussion exploring how colleges can become undocu-friendly and support the retention and success of undocumented students. Participants will examine barriers to education for undocumented students and brainstorm policies and practices to alleviate these challenges on their campuses.
Renata Mauriz, Director, Immigrant Services, Bunker Hill Community College.
Inclusive STEM Classrooms
Berry Library 215, North Campus
HSIs are more STEM-oriented than non-HSIs so it is particularly important for STEM classes and programs to be inclusive learning environments. We will discuss STEM pedagogies that build on the cultural capital that students bring to the classroom and that have helped retention and graduation rates in STEM at HSIs.
Kathi Crow, Professor of Mathematics and AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow, Salem State University and the National Science Foundation; Laura Laranjo, Assistant Professor of Biology, Salem State University; Nicole Jefferson, Engineering Education Graduate Student, Virginia Tech; and Amy Mercado, Education Professor, Salem State University.
Latinx Community in Massachusetts and Valuing Community Partners
Metro Room, Ellison Campus Center, North Campus
Join us to explore working with Latinx populations in the classroom and community, focusing on creating mutually beneficial community-based learning projects. The session will discuss making this practice manageable without overtaxing community partners and how to celebrate the work throughout the process.
Vanessa Martínez, PhD, Professor of Anthropology/Coordinator of Community Based Learning, Holyoke Community College; and Raúl D. Gutiérrez, Professor of Latinx Studies and Spanish/Coordinator of Learning Communities, Holyoke Community College.
HACU’s National Policy Briefing and Internship Presentation
Veterans Hall, Ellison Campus Center, North Campus
Join the HACU DC team for a briefing on higher education policies impacting Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), covering the latest Capitol Hill developments and federal funding status. The session will also explore the HACU National Internship Program (HNIP) and share best practices for amplifying HSI messaging and outreach.
Lena T. Rodriguez, Senior Vice President of Policy and Govt Relations, HACU; Xiomara Santos, Director of Government Relations, HACU; and Diana Vasquez, Executive Director of HNIP, HACU.
Developing and Delivering Inclusive Pedagogy
Charlotte Forten Legacy Room, Meier Hall 316B, North Campus
Presenters will share institutional models supporting inclusive pedagogy at HSIs and emerging HSIs. They will showcase culturally responsive methods from HCC’s Learning Communities and Latinx Studies program, as well as inclusive practices benefi ting all students from SSU’s Building Inclusive Academic Communities.
Keja Valens, Professor of English, Salem State University; and Raúl D. Gutiérrez, Professor of Latinx Studies and Spanish/ Coordinator of Learning Communities, Holyoke Community College.
Imaginado, Realizado, y Presente: The Birth and Evolution of El Centro
Berry Library 215, North Campus
This presentation will highlight a culturally responsive approach in planning, designing, managing, and implementing the El Centro program at Holyoke Community College. Emphasizing Latinx cultural wealth, our goal is to shift campus culture towards becoming a Hispanic Thriving Institution through El Centro, a fully bilingual academic and holistic support program tailored for Latinx students, with strategic alignment to institutional goals.
Julissa Colón, Director, El Centro, Holyoke Community College; Alfonso Herrera-Neal, Student Success Counselor, Holyoke Community College; and Sullynette Ortiz, Academic Counselor, Holyoke Community College.
Redefining Success: The Role of Cultural Wealth and Anti Racist Community Engagement
Metro Room, Ellison Campus Center, North Campus
Tara Yosso’s community cultural wealth model provides a framework for community engagement that is anti-racist, action oriented, and self-reflective. This workshop will provide participants the opportunity to use a few activities to discuss and practice the development of programming, pedagogies and practices that highlight the assets of BIPOC students, and therefore their “success.”
Vanessa Martínez, Professor of Anthropology, Community Based Learning Coordinator, NSF STEM Co-PI, Holyoke Community College.
Recruitment and Retention: Diversity Ambassadors
MLK Room, Ellison Campus Center, North Campus
Overview of the Diversity Ambassador program at MassBay that facilitates the racial and ethnic diversity of faculty and staff. Diversity Ambassadors serve as special representatives charged to sit on each search committee to promote and encourage diverse hiring practices, including, but not limited to, identifying diverse candidates and the value added to the institution, an essential role designed to build capacity for diverse hiring.
Lisa MacDonald, Director of Equity Compliance, MassBay Community College; Lynn S. Moore, Chief Diversity Officer, MassBay Community College; and Lisa Slavin, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, MassBay Community College.