Program Overview
The Center for International Education (CIE) and the Center for Research and Creative Activities (CRCA) at Salem State University is pleased to announce our Visiting International Scholar Institute, an academic and leadership opportunity for scholars across the world who could benefit from an academic home in the U.S. for a semester or a year.

Program Overview
This is an academic program designed for international scholars interested in coming to Salem State University for one or two semesters to pursue their academic goals. Scholars will be invited to participate in a series of professional development workshops, symposia, and cultural immersion experiences designed to provide exposure to research, pedagogy, academic leadership, and curriculum development that scholars can take back to their home institutions. The program provides library space and access to programs and facilities at Salem State.

Scholars at any stage of their academic or professional careers are invited to apply. Scholars include faculty in post-secondary settings, post-doctoral students preparing for faculty or research positions, or researchers. Visiting scholars will have the chance to engage with Salem State University faculty, students, and staff and become part of the intellectual and cultural life of Salem State University and the city and community of Salem, Massachusetts. As we are 25 km north of Boston, there are also a wealth of opportunities to engage with the many academic communities in our region.

Each scholar will be matched with a faculty mentor from Salem State University faculty who is engaged in scholarly activity of mutual interest. Mentors will meet regularly with the visiting scholars to provide academic support, advice, and collegiality.
Application and Visas
All visiting scholar applicants must complete the application and submit all relevant documents.
Once approved, Salem State is approved by the U.S. Department of State to sponsor international visitors via the J-1 visa program to participate in research, teaching and academic programs.
Rolling Application: For a September arrival, applications should be completed by May 1; for a January arrival, applications should be complete by September 1.

Apply now to be a Visiting International Scholar at Salem State University.