Internships in GLS
Senior and junior GLS majors are eligible to take a three-credit hour internship (GLS 499) at a place of employment relevant to their field of study. During the fall, spring, or summer semesters, three credit hours require eight hours per week for 15 weeks for a minimum total commitment of 120 hours at the place of employment.
The business or agency where the student will undertake the internship has complete control as to whether or not to select that student. Also, payment of the student by the business or agency is not required unless the number of hours required to be spent at that business or agency per week exceeds the number of hours required for the level of academic credit hours being taken. Many students are paid, however. Students who are citizens of foreign countries may be able to obtain temporary working papers through the Center for International Education at Salem State in order to be paid for their internships. Without such papers, international students are eligible only for unpaid internships.
Internship Requirements
As part of the internship, the business or agency is expected to provide learning opportunities and/or training. A “learning contract” is signed by the student, the supervisor at the business or agency, and the faculty member overseeing the internship. Information is contained on the form so that any party can contact other parties to the learning contract should a problem arise. The student is expected to provide a progress report at least once a month to their faculty member.
The business or agency should feel free to conduct its internal evaluations of student performance. These evaluations should initially be reviewed with the student directly, if any problems persist, they should be reported to the faculty member. The business or agency, and the student, may terminate the internship at any time and for any reason.
The learning contract form must be signed by the faculty member overseeing the internship, the student, and the department chair before it is submitted to the registrar’s office. This form should be submitted during pre-registration and no later than the end of the add/drop period.
Normally internships are for a pass/fail grade. Students can request a letter grade at the beginning of the internship. In this case, a letter grade will be assigned by the faculty member after consultation with the business or agency at the conclusion of the internship.
If you have further questions, please contact department chairperson.