Test Waivers
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, GRE, GMAT and MTEL testing has temporarily been waived from the application requirements for a number of our graduate programs through Spring 2026.

Graduate Application Process
MA/MAT English Dual Degree Graduate Application Process
Required Materials
- $50 non-refundable application fee
- Official transcript or transcript evaluation
- Three references. At least two must be from persons able to speak to your academic qualifications and performance. At least one must speak to your potential scholarship in English.
- English Proficiency, if applicable for international applicants
- Statement of purpose (500- to 1,000-words, double-spaced) addressing the following:
- Your interest in teaching English as the secondary level (grades 8-12)
- Your interest in studying English at the graduate level (ie, how you see yourself as a scholar of English)
- MA/MAT English Dual Degree does not require the GRE or MAT.
Please note: If you already hold an initial license, please apply directly to the MA English. A MAT is not required if the initial license has been obtained.
Additional Materials, Requirements and Prerequisites
- A passing score on the Massachusetts Tests for Education Licensure (MTEL) communication and literacy portion and content test for English.
- For applicants pursuing literary studies, analytical writing sample between 6-12 pages required; for applicants pursuing writing, a creative writing sample between 6-12 pages required.
- Course in adolescent psychology (undergraduate or graduate)
- An undergraduate cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.75 overall and 3.0 in the major field of study.
- Proficiency in a language other than English at the intermediate level before completion of the program (not required for admission to program). Proficiency may be demonstrated by: a) proof of satisfactory completion of six hours of undergraduate credit beyond the elementary level of a language other than English; or b) a passing score in a language examination; or c) approval by department graduate coordinator and department graduate committee.
Applications accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed once complete.