Ready to take a class? Use the class search to find an upcoming class offered in Healthcare Studies. Subjects in Healthcare Studies include: BHS, FYHC. These are followed by a course number.
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BHS 101: Healthcare in the US
This course introduces a student to the history, structure, and characteristics of the American healthcare system including the delivery of healthcare services, service settings, healthcare financing, insurance, and the roles and responsibilities of healthcare providers and professionals. Students will establish skills and knowledge needed to become more informed healthcare consumers and to comprehend the complexities of the current healthcare system, healthcare practice guidelines, and ethical practices. Three lecture hours per week. Required of all BHS majors and minors.
Credits: 3.00
This course fulfills these general education curriculum requirements: Pers Growth & Responsibility
BHS 107: Technology in Healthcare
This course exposes students to a variety of technological methods and media used in healthcare. Students develop an appreciation of the value of technology used in healthcare. Such topics as robotics, presentation approaches to consumers and professionals, electronic records, and telehealth are explored. Students learn how to evaluate technology and its potential uses in a range of contexts. Three lecture hours per week. Required for the BHS major and minor.
Credits: 3.00
BHS 110: Language of Healthcare
This course will offer a systematic approach to learning the language required to practice in the healthcare industry. Students will learn how to analyze individual health/medical word parts such as prefixes, suffixes and word roots to identify, build and recognize terminology. Body system dynamics body orientation, pathological processes, conditions, diseases, health, and wellness terms will be covered. Terms and common abbreviations related to procedures and instruments used in medical/health assessment will also be included. Two lecture hours er week. Required of healthcare studies majors.
Credits: 2.00
BHS 123: Human Rights and the Public Health
This course provides an introduction to human rights treaties that provide a framework for social and individual wellbeing in the United States and around the world. It will compare wellbeing of people in communities that do, and do not,
adhere to human rights standards. It examines policy decisions that advocate for or prevent implementation of rights respecting policies, practices and laws. Students will explore how human rights impact both micro and macro health. Units include individuals physical and mental health, social health, in families, communities and organizations as well as the health of states and nations. Three lecture hours per week.
Credits: 3.00
This course fulfills these general education curriculum requirements: Contemporary Society, World Cultures
BHS 150: Pediatric and Adolescent Public Health
This course provides an overview of the physical, emotional, sexual, cognitive and social health issues that confront children from birth to age 18. It will explore different theoretical frameworks for understanding the etiology and outcome of young people's health. Issues of their healthcare access will be covered, as will demographic and geographic health and illness factors. Prevention of many afflictions young people experience will be considered from a structural and public health framework. Three lecture hours per week.
Credits: 3.00
BHS 201: Health Disparities in the United States in the 21st Century
This course will lay the foundation necessary to examine the health disparities in the United States and their connections to systems and social structures that may impede the length and quality of human life. The multiple systems and social structures that impact health disparities, including racism and sexism will be analyzed within the context of diversity, power dynamics, and social justice, with attention to gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, education, nationality, age, ability and geographic location. Students will develop the capacity, agency and motivation to play a significant role in reducing health disparities. Three lecture hours per week. This course fulfills these general education curriculum requirements CS and DPDS.
Credits: 3.00
This course fulfills these general education curriculum requirements: Contemporary Society, Diversity, Power Dyn, Soc Just
BHS 203: Healthcare Seminar
This seminar course builds on BHS 101 and 102 to facilitate each student's development of an academic and professional plan fostering an identification of a targeted area(s) of interest within the healthcare arena.
Prerequisite: BHS101. Must have completed 24 credits. Limited to students in the BHS major.
Credits: 2.00
BHS 220: Violence,Safety and Public Health
This course provides an overview of different types of violence that impact communities and individuals. Health care providers of all levels are confronted with issues pertaining to the creation of safety and reduction of violence at the individual, family, organizational, community national and global arenas. Students will gain an understanding of the structural, legislative and policy processes that influence the creation and prevention of violence The impact of healthcare policy regarding personal and community safety at the local state national and global level is examined. Ways to engage in healthcare advocacy to increase safe and reduce violence are presented. Three lecture hours per week.
Credits: 3.00
This course fulfills these general education curriculum requirements: Contemporary Society, Pers Growth & Responsibility
BHS 230: Academic and Professional Writing in Healthcare
The purpose of this course is to strengthen and encourage the use of skills that students require for successful academic and professional writing in healthcare disciplines. Development of information health literacy skills and language including medical terminology will be covered. Students will learn various aspects of personal and scholarly professional writing including APA style. Course consists of writing and revision after instructor and/or peer review. Three hours per week. Prerequisite W-I. Required for BHS majors.
Credits: 3.00
This course fulfills these general education curriculum requirements: Written Communication-Level II
BHS 247: Statistics for the Healthcare Professional
This introductory course provides the students with statistical concepts and models used to analyzing health care research and data. Students will explore statistical methods for establishing correlations, interpreting trends, conducting time series analysis, and predictions. Probability and sampling distributions, hypothesis testing, effect size, and statistical power will be examined from a theoretic perspective. Students will be prepared to critically examine research articles and utilize evidence based practice. Required for the BHS major.
Credits: 3.00
This course fulfills these general education curriculum requirements: Quantitative Reasoning
BHS 250: Global Health
This course provides an introduction to global health, examining health issues at the global, national, and local levels. As the world and its economies become increasingly globalized, including international travel and commerce, it is necessary to think about health in a global context. The course will review approaches to addressing the global burden of disease by introducing topics such as disease burden, health disparities, human rights, universal healthcare, sustainable development goals, health systems, health financing, health technology, and environmental concerns. Students will gain a broad understanding of the field and the skills required to work in global health. Health systems will be examined in a range of countries, providing a framework for analysis for any health system. Three lecture hours per week. This course fulfills the World Cultures category.
Credits: 3.00
BHS 254: Mental Health and Public Health
This course provides an overview of what mental health is, what mental illness is, and how they affect the public’s health at both the individual and community level. Despite the US Centers for Disease Control report that 1 in 2 people will have a diagnosed mental illness, there is a general lack of understanding about what it is and what to do about it. Stigma prevents many people from receiving needed assistance. Policy and fiscal allocations are discussed, as are organizational responses to mental illness. This course does not take clinical approach but focuses on how systems interact to prevent, create and address normal, chronic, and acute mental distress. The benefits of wellbeing are analyzed with discussion for how it can be created for the public’s best interest. Three lecture hours per week.
Credits: 3.00
BHS 255: Complementary and Alternative Healthcare
Complementary and alternative healthcare techniques are used regularly all around the world. This course will explore the wide range of systems besides the allopathic system that prevails in the United States. It will look at different paradigms of health and healthcare, different types of techniques, and common reasons for their use. Healthcare policies, delivery systems, and insurances will be explored. Three lecture hours per week.
Credits: 3.00
BHS 270: Understanding Diversity and Cultural Competence in Human Services
The purpose of this course is to explore the meaning and implementation of culture competence in a social work context. Various aspects of human and social diversity will be explored, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, social class, and gender. The psychological and institutional cause and consequences of discrimination and oppression on a wide-range of populations are analyzed. Strength-based strategies for interacting with clients in human service agencies who have been victims of oppression and discriminatory policies are discussed. Readings, class discussions, and experiences aim to assist students in developing culturally competent social work values and techniques.
Prerequisites: SOC110 and PSY101 or approval of Department Chairperson.
Credits: 3.00
BHS 302: Health Policy
This course provides an introduction to contemporary issues in American and global healthcare policy. Students will gain an understanding of the public policy process and the role of various stakeholders in shaping policy. The impact of healthcare policy at the local, state, national, and global level will be examined. Strategies to engage in healthcare advocacy are presented. Three lecture hours per week. Required for BHS major and minors.
Credits: 3.00
BHS 320: Cornerstone to Healthcare Professions
This course provides students the opportunity to reflect on past-learned Knowledge and construct an understanding that will lead toward the development of future professional goals and skills. Specifically, the course will guide students through a process of identifying internship or employment sites of interest, preparing applications and acceptance documents, securing an appropriate internship/employment placement and fostering the development of knowledge,
skills and abilities pertinent to successful internships and/or employment. Required of Healthcare Studies majors with junior year status and in academic good standing. This course will be graded Pass/Fail only. Taken the semester prior to
BHS520 Internship in BHS. Two lecture hours per week.
Prerequisite: BHS203.
Credits: 2.00
BHS 401: Health and Disability Across the Lifespan
The life expectancy of individuals with disabilities is expanding. There is a growing trend that many more individuals in the US will face greater challenges and consume more healthcare services in the future. It is vital that healthcare providers understand how different challenges affect a person's abilities throughout their lifetime. Topics of discussion will include understanding ability versus disability, an overview of common disabilities that impact an individual's function over time, legislative and policy issues that impact service, the history of disability care in the US, and healthcare promotion and prevention. Required for the BHS major and minor.
Credits: 3.00
BHS 402: Principles of Leadership and Management in Healthcare
This course introduces students to the process of leadership and how it is conducted in a variety of settings. Theoretical constructs of leadership as well as practical applications will be presented, Students will learn about effective teach building, management strategies and structures and develop a personal leadership/management plan. Required for the BHS major and minor.
Credits: 3.00
BHS 407: Introduction to Healthcare Research
This WIII course is designed to enable the student to understand the interrelationship between research and practice. Emphasis is placed on the the examination of research methodology, the critical appraisal of published research, and the integration of research into evidence-based practice. The course builds on the skills developed in BHS230, helping students strengthen their writing abilities in the healthcare field. Students will compose in various genres related to the industry such as a research proposal, abstract and annotated bibliography. Required of BHS majors. Three lecture hours a week and work outside of class.
Prerequisite: BHS247/OCT247 Statistics for the Healthcare Professional or approved statistics class, and completion of a WII course.
Credits: 3.00
This course fulfills these general education curriculum requirements: Written Commun-Level III
BHS 410: Special Topics in Healthcare Studies
This course will focus on special topics related to Healthcare Studies. The topic and instructor will be announced prior to registration. This course may be repeated for credit with different topics and with permission of the Department Chairperson. Three lecture hours per week.
Credits: 1.00 - 3.00
BHS 495: Senior Project in Healthcare Studies
Students select an area of study in cooperation with the course advisor and/or program director. The project may include conference attendance, grant proposal development, pilot study and/or planning documents. A comprehensive paper will be developed and delivered in current APA format. Student must receive departmental and advisor approval for permission to register for this course. Only open to BHS majors. Three lecture hours per week.
Prerequisites: BHS230, BHS247 or approved statistics course, BHS407.
Credits: 3.00
This course fulfills these general education curriculum requirements: Written Commun-Level III
BHS 499: Directed Study in Healthcare Studies
This course provides a guided opportunity for students to have a directed study developed in conjunction with a faculty advisor. An advanced student may require a directed study to continue independent research to complete their capstone project. The directed study activity must be approved by the program director and meet the department requirements. Students are required to have regular meetings with their faculty advisor. Open only to BHS majors.
Credits: 1.00 - 3.00
BHS 520: Internship in Healthcare Studies
This course affords students the opportunity to translate theory into practice, apply and gain knowledge, build collegial relationships, and directly experience the operations and functions within a healthcare setting. This fieldwork may assist
students in clarifying their career goals and exploring future employment opportunities. Students will work under the supervision of a lead university faculty and a worksite supervisor during their course of study. A minimum of ten-hours/
week with a minimum of a 2 day/week site schedule and 120 total hours required. Regular supervisory meetings with Healthcare Studies faculty is also required. Open only to Healthcare Studies seniors of academic good standing.
Repeatable. Students may not take more than 12 internship credits, per university policy.
Prerequisite: BHS320
Credits: 3.00
BHS 521: Internship
This course affords students the opportunity to translate theory into practice, apply and gain knowledge, build collegial relationships, and directly experience the operations and functions within a healthcare setting. This fieldwork may assist students in clarifying their career goals and exploring future employment opportunities. Students will work under the supervision of a lead university faculty and a worksite supervisor during their course of study. Hours per week and total number of hours to be determined based on credit load. Regular supervisory meetings with Healthcare Studies faculty is also required. Open only to Healthcare Studies seniors of academic good standing. Prerequisite: BHS 320 and permission of department chair. Repeatable. Students may not take more than a total of 12 internship credits.
Credits: 1.00 - 6.00
FYHC 100: First Year Seminar (Healthcare Studies)
This course will introduce students to the experience of academic exploration that is at the heart of a liberal arts education. Through study of one or more compelling questions or topics in a small seminar setting, students will practice creative and critical thinking and will learn to express themselves effectively and appropriately in a college setting. They will develop relationships and practices that allow them to effectively utilize college resources and become members of a community of learners. The specific topic of the seminar will be developed by individual faculty and will be announced in advance. First year seminars are required for first-year students and transfer students with fewer than 15 credits. Not open to students who have received credit for IDS189 or another first year seminar course. Three lecture hours per week.
Credits: 3.00
This course fulfills these general education curriculum requirements: First Year Seminar