Distinguished Teaching Award Nominations in Communications
Professors Peggy Dillon and Jessica BarnettNov 10, 2015
Department Spotlight: Political Science
Political Science Professors Breakdown Classroom WallsNov 2, 2015
Student Named to Salem Award Foundation
Oct 19, 2015
Discover Publications Produced by Your Faculty
A Collection of Publications by Sociology Faculty MembersOct 16, 2015
Retirement Income Industry Association Launches Online Retirement Management Analyst (RMA) Designation Program with Salem State University
RIIA Broadens Access to Influential Retirement Planning DesignationOct 14, 2015
University Names 2015 Jack Welch Scholar
Oct 5, 2015
The National Trust for Historic Preservation publishes Dr. Donna Seger's post on Salem photographer Frank Cousins
Pioneering preservationist-photographer Frank Cousins (1851-1925) featured on the National Trust's blog Saving PlacesOct 5, 2015
Baker-Polito Administration Awards Salem State Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Initiative Grant
Planning grant will enable school-college partnership to offer college courses to students with intellectual disabilitiesSep 24, 2015
Dr. Noel Healy represents Salem State At UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Germany
Professor Healy is also participating in the UNFCC COP 21 in Paris in DecemberSep 22, 2015
School of Education Awarded $20,000 ICEI Grant
Sep 21, 2015
Professor Gary Wood Performs Lead Role in Cutting Edge Electroacoustic Opera
CD ReleaseSep 14, 2015
Professor Perry Glasser Publishes New Memoir
"Daddy Was a Thief" is featured at bioStoriesSep 10, 2015
January Gill O'Neil Talks Poetry
Check out the Rumpus Late Nite Poetry Show interview featuring January Gill O'NeilSep 10, 2015
Nursing Professor Serves Hamilton-Wenham Community
Hannah Fraley Elected to School CommitteeAug 26, 2015