The Student Government Association of Salem State University is a non-partisan organization rooted in student advocacy and securing and allocating funding to fellow student organizations on campus. We serve as the voice of the student body to the administration, faculty, staff, and legislators. Along with organizational goals and initiatives, we have five standing committees that work on various SGA and student-centered issues: Commuter Committee, Finance Committee, Social Justice and Inclusion Committee, Public Relations Committee, and Rules Committee. Any SSU student is able to be a part of SGA standing committees.
Meet the 2024-2025 SGA Executive Board
President: Saturn Wands, Junior, Political Science major & Media and Communications minor
Vice President: Sab Arruda, Senior, Interdisciplinary Studies major & Social Work minor
Secretary: James Mahoney, Sophomore, Criminology major
Treasurer: Mikenna Avery, Sophomore, Psychology major & Two-Dimensional Art minor
Advisor- Alliane Brennan, Assistant Director, Student Involvement & Operations, abrennan@salemstate.edu
Some of SGA’s key initiatives this year include:
- Addressing accessibility concerns on campus.
- Building a community garden!
- Working with UP and Facilities to address campus safety concerns.
- Building connections with students and student orgs within our brand new Discord server!
- Connecting with campus partners to address concerns about pet policies.
- Working with campus partners to host donation drives.
- Making SSU’s land acknowledgment more accessible.
- Collaborating with other student organizations!
- And so much more!
If you have concerns of your own, or if you would like to apply to be a Senator, please feel free to reach us by email at: sga@salemstate.edu
Be sure to follow us on Instagram to keep up-to-date on all things SGA at @sga_ssu.